21 March 2022 I bought some oils for relaxation, why do I not find it effective? The oil has good scent and is cheap, is it also the essential oil used in aromatherapy? I thought aroma oil is just the same as essential oil, aren’t they?

To layman, we always notice the above questions appeared in their mind. The answers are actually very simple for all of us to understand and could be illustrated by comparing the two.
Aroma oil has many synonyms, for example, fragrance oil, aromatic oil, perfume oil …etc. However, only the term “essential oil” refers to essential oil. So, what are the differences between these two kinds of oils?
Aroma oil / fragrance oil / aromatic oil / perfume oil:
All or majority of the chemical components are synthetic
Exert no / limited therapeutic effect
No botanical names (the Latin names)
The plant name on the bottle refers to the scent, but it does not mean that the oil comes from the plant
Relatively cheaper, but of course depending on the brand
Often using transparent bottles
Mostly not using essential oil bottles
Essential oil:
Natural plant extracts
Possess therapeutic effect
With botanical name (the Latin name)
The plant name on the bottle truly refers to the plant, not just the scent
Relatively expensive for just a 10mL of essential oils
Use only coloured bottles
Use only essential oil bottles
See? How easy it is for us to distinguish the two~! Ciao!