18 May 2022 Can essential oils take part in improving our immune system? Which one possesses the strongest immune boosting ability? Can we ingest the oil as supplements for gaining immunity?

Before discussing the choices of essential oils to promote our immunity, we have to grab some understanding on our immune system first.
Types of Immunity Response
Innate - Immediately response to pathogens, no memory in the production of antibodies, low specificity towards pathogens
Adaptive - Time consuming when response to pathogens, with memory in the production of antibodies by B-lymphocytes, high specificity towards pathogens
Types of Immune Cells
Granular - Monocytes, Basophils, Neutrophils and Eosinophils
Agranular - T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, Natural Killer cells
Administration of Essential Oils
Except aromatherapy from Germany, Swiss and France, we do not ingest essential oils.
They should be administered only through skin or inhalation in other parts of the world.
Cajeput - Enhance the responses of T-helper cells and production of T-lymphocytes
Citronella, Lemongrass - Promote specific and non-specific immune mechanisms
Eucalyptus - Speed up the activity of macrophages and allow quick phagocytosi to happen
Peppermint - Improve immune response by maintaining the integrity of immune cells
Sweet Orange - Enhance the function of B-lymphocyte, i.e. the production of antibodies
To understand more thoroughly about the mechanisms behind each oil, you may enrol to the following CPD courses.
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