31 May 2022 How could we administer aromatherapy during pregnancy? Can aromatherapy apply to all symptoms? Under what circumstances should we approach A&E?
Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting usually appear since 6 week of gestation till 16 week. some may even last for a whole gestation all period until labour. Commonly, nausea and vomiting are induced by excessive serotonin, but in pregnancy the elevation of human chorionic gonadotropin plays an important role.
Since majority have only mild symptoms, this could be alleviated by simply inhaling Ginger oil. However, as [6]-shogaol, [6]-gingerol and zingerone in Ginger are the non-competitive antagonists to serotonin receptors, it should be avoided in those who have prenatal depression to prevent potential negative impact on their emotions. In this case, it is recommended that for prenatal depressive mother, They can try to use citrus oil, such as Lemon or Sweet Orange, for soothing the symptoms.
However, if you are experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum and leading to dehydration, please do approach the Accident and Emergency Department. Miss Lily also experienced hyperemesis gravidarum for 10 weeks leading to haematemesis (vomiting blood) and dehydration with tea-coloured urine. This is definitely a fatal condition for both the pregnant woman and the foetus. Fortunately, the foetus was healthy and without any developmental defect and the hyperemetic condition terminated spontaneously at week 16. FYI, so far there is no essential oil or floral tea can help to treat this condition.
Lower Back Pain
There are limited to essential oils could be used in relieving muscle tension and for pain management. Bergamot and sweet orange are two main essential oils used for tackling the symptoms.
For Bergamot, Miss Lily recommended to choose FCF Bergamot essential oil (Sweeter scent) instead of non-FCF (Stronger bitter scent with peel scent), as non-FCF Bergamot contains a high concentration of Bergamottins, which can inhibit the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol. Knowing that foetus requires the synthesis of many different nutrients for development, so Miss Lily suggested FCF Bergamot instead.
Both FCF Bergamot and Sweet Orange essential oils can inhibit sympathetic nervous system to induce muscle relaxation and lead to pain relief.
Of course, essential oils in this case are just assistive. The most important thing is the massage technique. Husband may let your wife sleep on the unaffected side first, then deeply and slowly press into the muscles and massage from the very last rib cage at her back all the way to her pelvis, then to the gluteal region. REMEMBER not to apply pressure over lumbar and sacral regions to prevent injury and affect mobility, or even leading to difficulty in labour.
Muscles Spasm & Oedema
Lower limb spasm frequently appears with lower limb oedema. In this case, husbands could dilute lemon essential oil at 1% for massage. Although there are not much research evidence supporting its function on vasoconstriction, traditionally it is used as an astringent and this effect can be observed clinically.
For the massage skill, Miss Lily recommended all of you to massage the popliteal area first gently. Make sure the texture of the muscles at the area changes from ”Well / Medium Well steak” to “Medium Rare / Rare”. Then apply pressure gently but deeply from Achilles‘ tendon to gastrocnemius and further to hamstrings, so as to promote effective venous return.
If you are interested in learning more about pregnancy massage technique, please call your husband to join our MVP PAPA workshop ;)